This college is founded by DR. OM PRAKASH AMRIT B.E.M.S, M.D.E.H(Medicine), B.P.T, B.N.Y.S, CMS-ED, .
It was affiliated with Baba Saheb Ambedkar Electrohomoeopathic Council, Motihari (Bihar) India.
i) To impart a through training in the principles of Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy) and aboard and sound training in the Fundamental Laws of Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy) Medicines.
ii) To popularise the system of Electropathy which has been proved to be the most efficacious, scientific, natural and harmless system.of medicine and cure all acute, chronic, infections diseases of male, female and children with cent percent success and succesful all surgical disease without operation.
iii) To give a special training in Electropathic therapetics and practical training in Materia Medica of Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy).
iv) To furnish out useful, practical, Liberal and successful physician and true healers of the sick.
v) To uphold a high standard of medical education and to inculcate the principal of medical ethics.
The successful Atedents of the Baba Sahab Ambedkar Electro Homoeopathy Council, Motihari, Bihar will be awarded the following Pharmacy, Diploma, Degree & P.G. (M.D. in Electropathy).
Diploma :- Must have passed at least High School with General Science or any equivalent examination with a common sence and fair knowledge of Hindi or English and pass Intrance examination and Degree (B.E.M.S.) must have passed lsc Biology.
There will be Two session in each year. The first session will be in the month of March and end in February. Second session June to May.
Entrance Exam. – There will be six month’s in Entrance examination of Scince.
A. There will be two year in Pharmacy (L.M.E.H.- Lisens of medicine in Electropathy)
B. Three years course in D.E.M.S. (Diploma in Electropathy medicine & Surgery and six month in internship.
C. Degree (B. M.S.) Batchelor in Electropathy Medicine & Surgery (Nine semester in digree course) & one year internship.
D. M.D.E.H. (Doctorin Medicine in Electropathy) two years. (Four Semester) and one year research.
Over courses are systematically and scenically planned and expertly through by the doctors who are not only specialists in their respective fields but also have dirrerent practical experience. The benefit of which they pass on to the student so the students may be good doctors of future to serve the people of nation. The highly qualified and experienced turors pay indivudual attention to increase the knowledge of students. Apart from theoritical training through books maps and charts there in an arrengment for practical training and the treatment at the hospital attached to the college where the Otients are treated in hug -umber free of any charge.
It is hereby certified that there is no ban on practice of Electrohomoeopathy by qualified and duly Registered Physician. It is futhter certified that Electro Homoeopathy does not attract provision of India Medical Council Act. 1956. The Registered Practitioner in declarted as qualified person to practice on the Electropathy (Electrohomoeopathy) lines of treatment provided by the rules and regulations of the central council of India, shall not be convicted of punishment by any authority of Government of India, if he is proved to be a man of good moral conduct and honesty is discharge of the duties.
Student shall have to attent in the evening practical classes for at least 25 percent of the Institute day or purchase stock of medicines for practical use at their places.
The Result of the examination will be pasted on the notice board of the Institute and will be published in the news papers as soon as the Council of examiners finally decide.
Principal of O.A.E.H Medical College
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